03 November 2015

SF 2 Play with the GM experience

Date: November 2, 2015
Time: 6PM to 7PM
Location: Open Server 10

It's the Game Masters vs Players on the bout for Sabotage mission. Passwords were announced via lobby of Open Channel 10 as many players wanted to play against the masters. During those moments, I am pretty calm that time but pretty irritated because of the spam chat blocks for 30 seconds... as I wanted to mingle with other players. Other players who are very arrogant wishes to "knife the GM in-game (saksakin ang GM sa game)."

It was around 6:43 PM that I get in the legit GM Event room....

There were technical problems at first on the Embassy map. The GM's that we fought were Curse, Aika, Sargas, Snake_Doc, Agent47, and Ghost. All of which do not bear the "[GM]" alias in-game. The teammates that were with me are seen on the screenshot. The real bout (Last GM Wars) happened at the Desert Camp, a Sabotage mission race to ten. My music was set to Starcraft II Terran 01 Theme Soundtrack the entire gameplay. I am armed with Steyr AUG A3, Infinity (I dunno what's the real handgun name of this one), and a pair of frag grenades.

As the game started, I somewhat briefed them (not in the room lobby where it can compromise the OPSEC of the team). I told them that it should be a buddy system (there's one buddy that should watch your back), and two marksman only in the team (I consider myself as an AR marksman, very fit in long range fights, even against a sniper). After the briefing that I conducted, it didn't go well because the GM team went all out (all six of them) on a single charge. All of my teammates (except me) wasted their all of their grenades while the enemy is not yet sighted. Almost all of them don't know how to aim their sights (except for snipers).

To be honest, I don't like one of my teammates who cursed at me when I died against a gun fight. It happened twice or thrice that he chatted the words "bo bo," a somewhat indirect speech telling that my way of gameplay is "dumb" according to them. I mean, come on! Nobody intends to die against the enemy, y'know. Everyone on the team wants to win against the GM team. Kindly bear that in mind! Some managed to curse their gameplay! Oh, well... just check the hyperlink to see what I mean here...

Red marks the Killzone.
Teal colors correspond to 

My teammates somewhat told me that I am like a ninja. They don't know where am I gonna appear. On a military perspective, I am applying tactical movements and cover and concealment on an urban setting. Even though it is a game, I am dealing with the enemies seriously and with tactics, if needed. I even lean my vision up whilst reloading my rifle. Moreover, I just watch my teammates' back (checking where the base of fire comes from), check for incoming enemy and a place for cover, and a place for evasion. I somewhat found the enemy on the earlier round not facing in my direction and said "Hello" via hail of bullets. Lastly, I don't charge first. I let them (my teammates) charge first, then I provide them covering fire.

The GM Team are just skilled computer gamers with no military background, and armed high powered, no design rifles in-game (at any rate, I don't like designed guns because at my perspective, it will ruin my cover and concealment). Their ranks are very deceiving but roughly taunts players that they're easy to picked up and telling the players, "Who wants to get some GM bullets from us?" Some GM's are fast moving (my teammate noted of Aika's fast movement speed because of the sneakers that any player can receive in-game).

On a certain point when we got the offensive; we change our plans to all out, alternating sabotage point charging (A on first, B on the other). I told them to use "smoke for deception," which I literally mean, "Use your smoke grenades to conceal the path so that they won't see our movements." Indirectly, I am teaching them the proper use of smoke grenades.

It was a very close fight where the scores tied up at 8 - 8. Everyone feels the adrenaline rush to win. Because of individual skills and teamwork, the player team managed to win against the GM by 10-8. I managed to have the "Luckiest" award at the end of the game, which is pretty ridiculous! I am not a lucky player, but a skilled player.

However, I don't like playing team-based games like these because of players constant swearing towards the last man standing. Moreover, to most Filipino players, I think the words "teamwork" and "coordination" is not in their vocabulary in game modes like these. I am more on TDM's (Team Death Match mode).


If you wanna meet me in Special Force 2, just look for "RicoTrooper" in-game. I always hang out on TDM rooms. Moreover, I don't like to be invited in Corps. If I will be needing a legit Corps in-game, it better be as tactical as the Army Scout Rangers or perhaps, the Light Reaction Regiment, to count with. I am more of a team player, rather than an individual player.

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