02 August 2015

Why Filipino MMOFPS players aren't good at playing the game?

I just have fewer things to clear up with regards to this blogpost: http://itsme-gaming.blogspot.com/2011/03/3-main-reasons-of-pinoy-haters.html

Before we enitrely start, let me define the meaning of a good player. A good player has a good character. It is not the looks of his sprite, and what he is equipped with, including the weapons and tactical equipments the player has. Moreover, it does not include how good his way of fighting is, his fire and maneuver tactics, how he hits the target, and how he sprays bullets on his target.

Okay... So, I am an avid fan of FPS games when I first played Call of Duty Modern Warfare series. Though, I tried playing various MMOFPS games available in the Philippines like Special Force (or Soldier Front), Crossfire, Warrock, and Point Blank. All throughout my entire play for seven (7) years... I even become a reservist and know the basic soldiery myself... This is what I really notice:

1. Filipino players lack discipline and breeding

You heard it right. They lack discipline and breeding. In lieu to what that above mentioned blog post said that Filipino players lack manners, I further expanded it into lack of discipline and lack of breeding... because most of the Filipino MMOFPS players are in the lower hierarchy of society (simply average or poor; but not totally poor). To further define it, I define it as "players whose parents earn minimum wage (or above, but not hyperbolically greater, than minimum wage) and enrolls in a public educational institution."

Why do I say that?

First of all, they can't control their temper towards their team mates who is the last member of the team alive and got killed by another player, uncontrolled ranting or swearing, trash talking, radio flooding/spamming, excessive arrogance, making false accusations that a good player is a hacker, and the like. They keep on using respected police ranks and even military ranks in their alias just to show that they are good players! In the actual, they are heavily influenced by what is in their environment (peers, neighbors, you name it!). So whenever you see a Filipino player ranting/cursing other players in the chat, have an expectation that they will slam the computer parts whenever they got dead because of the intense lag they had or the PC the player is using had an outdated hardware.

Come on! They managed to throw censors from their mouths whenever bad luck happens... and they even sit like a boss, and feel like home when playing on a certain unit. No wonder why computer shops/gaming shops are too noisy because of this sole reason. "Uncontrolled emotion" is not a valid reason/alibi to shout out loud whenever you got excited/angst in-game. I just say to my mind, "Do they know how to type and communicate discreetly? Why do they have to tell their command to his team mate in such a loud voice?"

Trolling and flaming attitude includes in this sole reason.

Other foreign players never wonder why some Filipino players are too barbaric (or act too barbaric in-game).

2. Filipino MMOFPS players don't know the word "Team work" and focuses on one's self

Their mind set is focused on getting more kills to have more experience points to acquire every after the game play. To achieve that mind set, some or few of the Filipino MMOFPS gamers are using wall hacks, taking advantage of map glitches (in the first SF, this is pretty popular for most sniper rifle users), and other related hacks to keep them rising above the ranks.

In other game modes like Team Deathmatch, Sabotage, and other related modes that ultimately requires team work, it is not in their vocabulary to have the team work and camaraderie (unless if they are in the same guild, or peer of friends who play the same game) because they just do what they want. In short, in times with these game modes, there's no division of labor, proper rules of engagement (on how the team will engage the enemy team), and team support in the entire gameplay.

I may say it's stupid that a player (a Filipino) charges like a marine, burst fires on the enemy without proper aim (just to say he wants to have a kill or score), and simply dies in a less vs more game bout (where the less is the team the Pinoy player belongs). Then, they have the balls to rant/curse them as dumb or stupid for being killed.

Their entire mentality in teamwork game modes shift to "pass the buck" game mode. When their team mate won, they will praise him. If that team mate of theirs died because he don't know where the enemy will come from, they will curse their team mate.

Therefore, most Filipino players prefer sniper rifles over assault rifles/SMG/MG... for the sole reason to have more to kill and more EXP to get... and some are tempted to use cheats to achieve more than they could do (refers to their skills). To keep the story short, everyone move on their own without any command, or no one takes initiative to take the lead for their team and make certain strategies.

3. Filipino MMOFPS players don't know the difference of all grenades in-game

For Christ sake, I am also a Filipino but I am truly irritated by their habit of randomly throwing grenades of all directions! They just throw frags, flashbang, and even smoke grenade in random locations... pretty determined to have a kill. I admit that I once did that when I was in high school. However, when I learned how each grenades are properly used when I was in a military school, I can distinctly throw a specific grenade on a specific circumstance of encounter.

4. Filipino MMOFPS gamers are very arrogant and very easy to provoke

Since they have that kind of mind set, and that low level of discipline and breeding, they are easily got provoked by such responses that pertains to them. For an instance, if someone trolls or started a flame bait, someone is really going to make a bite for it. Few of which takes the entire thing seriously. There are also instances that it can lead to a brawl. Other brutes have the balls to hide weapons to use it for their advantage if they will be or they might be engaging in physical fights.

Moreover, they tend to be arrogant because their rank and weapon they got! FPS game is more on skills not the air on the players head to say that you're great at playing FPS... and when we say skills, it's more the accuracy and in-game survival (less deaths).

In reference to the first and second reason why Pinoy players aren't good at MMOFPS games, let's go back to the last man standing in the team and got killed by the enemy. Because of their arrogance (they are the first to get killed because of the Marine style of fighting in FPS), they never put their feet to the shoes of that last man standing in the team. They rant that player as "bobo" (dumb in English) and/or "tanga" (idiot/stupid in English). If the person really lacks breeding, he will add a much profane to the response to the team with the aforementioned words. However, if the person knows carabao English or quite proficient in speaking English, he might engage in an all out brawl of English profanity session.

Just take note: Most Filipino FPS players are self-centered... where their self-centeredness focuses on his gun and his way of playing, and doesn't place a single dot of consideration to the capabilities of his team mates.

Anyway, if I will be the last person standing in the team, I might get nervous because I don't know where the enemy will come from... Just come to think of it that most MMOFPS games are based on military operations. It means that everything is just a simulation of the real field mission. You never know what's in the psyche of a real soldier as the only person in his squad... because of their arrogance.

And here's the funny thing: they are good at stereotyping players who uses fully automatic weapons (assault rifles, SMG, Machine guns) as weak players, and considers snipers as strong players.

This is a reality that shows how Filipino MMOFPS players have a very little temperament, and it shows them that they have "all air and no force."

5. Filipino MMOFPS players are known for targeting noobs and make a good play of them

Some or most of the players in the Philippines are pretty much favored to target low level (low ranking, or noob) players because they only think of themselves for the sake of having more EXP. There are times that they call their friend/s (which is a noob) and they play on a single room where no one can interrupt them. That player will just toy the noob and act dumb like "I am just in this position."

Other players (kids aged 7 - 12 years old tend to do this in the Philippines) to tell the noob to go to a specific place and fight him there. What the noob didn't know that he's going to be ambushed (by a sniper cowardly rifle or a weapon that high level/ranking player can only obtain). Few of them might go head-on but with a back up of a third-party program (wall hacks or cheats).

This scenario always occur in local computer shops in the Philippines.

6. Filipino MMOFPS players are noisy/very talkative

Most Filipino MMOFPS players tend to say "aw" when they died. In the real field, no one can talk and say "aw" when they're dead... you're not bleeding/feeling physical pain in reality, or should I say, literally!

In support to the fourth reason, some Filipino players use the chat to brag. Like an empty tin can, they noise is just their to shell in how bad they are at playing the game, and just how lucky they are in-game.

Just take note of this: In a real military combat situation, luck doesn't exist in their dictionary; only skills exist on how good a player is. A real soldier never makes any unnecessary noises.

Going back to the tactical radio flooding and spamming, they do that to confuse their team mates or distract the teammates attention. Moreover, they use tactical radio to attract attention or make good fun of what they hear on the radio.

Sometimes, I fail to press the right buttons for an intended radio command but I am not noisy for using the tactical radio, as the tactical radio is intended to coordinate with your teammates without pausing and typing to say what you want.

7. Filipino MMOFPS players use their affiliation to a certain faction just to tell that they are a hardened player

This is a common trend in Filipino MMOFPS games. If a player is in a certain faction (like a clan, corps, or anything that goes in similarity to a faction of players), the common mind set of other players is "this player is pretty hardened." When we say hardened, it refers to the experience.

Few MMOFPS factions are by bounded friendships. Most of the MMOFPS factions just for the fame and glory. I never wonder why certain factions have certain requirements (like ranks and stuff) to finely recruit good members. However, this is just for assurance that if they will go against a certain faction, they will win. There may be instances that they will sack out the impotent player out of their faction for the sake of maintaining their faction's status and statistics. Most of them searches for active (or a hardcore one) players who go for long times of gameplay.

In short, joining a well-known faction makes you a cool player (where in fact, in reality, you're not cool).

8. Most Filipino MMOFPS players hate the laws of Physics

In an actual combat, no true blue sniper jumps to neutralize the target.

Most of those player have the tendency to jump just to dodge bullets (if the game is Gun Gale Online, I would rather agree to defy physics myself with all the means of jumping and physic defiant moves). Regardless if they use assault rifles, SMG, MG, or sniper rifle, they all do this kind of antic.

I'd rather protest if I were the sniper that they will jump to get the clear shot. If you jump and the adrenaline is pumping, the real sniper can't get a clear shot because of the increased pulse rate of the sniper.

Therefore, many players play kangaroo while spraying bullets.

9. Filipino MMOFPS players are very insulting players

This is an example of a Filipino player insulting the makers of Special Force 2.
A comment seen on Playpark Special Force 2 Facebook Fan Page. To be honest, this person don't know what he is saying.

Pardon the written comment above but what Filipino players chat in-game (regardless of what they may be) are very insulting in terms of content.

For an instance, this happened to me twice in Special Force 2 PH Server. The general idea is: when you react to a persons action or speech, they will presume you as "crying player," which is insulting. Filipino players can't deal to the fact that they are wrong in the argument, and they have the balls to use the term "crying" for people making pee-noises on the chat for people who had an argument in a public chat; where in fact that they have no idea how to deal with the problem, or how to confront/answer people in a polite manner.

Whereas, most of the Filipinos have the outlook of being the "insulting players" around online gaming world because of their "sensationalized, telenovela like behavior." The hyperlink otherwise have tidbits of point but the thing is: Filipinos are cultivated by mass media to have unnecessary behavior and attitude that they got from the Internet (esp. Social Media sites like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter) and the television; whereas, they don't notice that their speech and actions are insulting on the perspective of others.

Summary of the entire thing

If you're eager to make a kill, better stick with your skills, and not with your pride. Not with a sniper rifle... but with what you have in your equipments. What makes a real player armed to the teeth is his skills, and his skills alone.

If you got hit with these reason, it only means one thing: all of my statements are true and the reality is tattooed to your core as that kind of gamer. If you will comment on this blog post, please be sure that it is of civilized manner.

I never tolerate things that are bad, even though we are of the same bloodline,  same comrade-in-arms, or the same nationality as I am. Even though I am an avid Filipino MMOFPS player, I never show these symptoms (even though I was in my high school days). I've been through all the gaming cafes and internet shops in different places, and base on my observation for years, these are the things that I gathered.

No offense. Just saying what is the reality going, on and let the others (foreigners or fellow countrymen) know the entire thing. Deal with it!

Bato bato sa langit. Ang tamaan, makakaramdam ng kiliti ng kulog at kidlat.
(A stone thrown heavenward, if you got hit, you will be thunderstruck by reality)

P. S.
For foreigners who resiliently read the entire blog post and want to know what Filipino profane words are, kindly refer to this link and this link.